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18 February 13:00-17:00Goto 10 Stockholm

Building APIs with Java

Meet the cellist and the journalist who became programmers!

Immerse yourself in the compelling journeys of individuals like Pauline, who evolved from a journalist to a front-end developer, and Marta, a cellist-turned-full-stack developer. Uncover profound insights into their unique paths and engage in a dynamic Q&A session to delve even deeper! 

But that's not all—brace yourself for an intensive API Development Workshop with Java! Master the art of creating powerful tools for your apps using Spring Boot. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this hands-on workshop is crafted for you to learn by doing. 

Don't miss this opportunity to amplify your skills and be part of something truly inspiring! Find more details and free tickets below 🎉

Programming language: Java

Workshop level: Beginner & intermediate

Pink Sundays are our popular coding events where women and non-binary people can meet up, code and network together!

Pink Programming is Sweden’s biggest community for women and non-binary programmers. We work towards a gender equal tech industry by creating inspiring coding events and camps, and hosting Diversity & Inclusion courses for companies. Join us to change the tech game!

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All you need to know

When? February 18th, 13:00-17:00

How? By grabbing a free ticket below 

Where? Goto 10 - Stockholm

Programming language: Java

Workshop level: Beginner & intermediate

You can start setting up your development environment beforehand*
- Java 17
- Maven 3.8.2
- Git
- IntelliJ (you can choose any IDE you want)
*You will receive more details by email when signing up. Don't worry if you get stuck with the setup, we can help you the day of the event. :) 

What else? We will offer snacks to fuel our coding day!

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Inspirational Session & Coding Workshop

Career Chronicles: Inspiring Journeys

Session by: Pauline Morsli & Marta Lewandowska

Meet Pauline and Marta, who will be sharing their unique career journeys in the tech industry. Pauline, a former journalist turned front-end developer, brings over a decade of web experience and a passion for advocating women in tech. Marta, a cellist-turned-full-stack developer, reflects on her transition from graphic design to coding, emphasizing the possibility of successful career pivots. Get insights into their diverse paths, fuelled by curiosity and hunger for new challenges. The talk will conclude with a Q&A session, giving you the chance to explore further into the speakers' inspiring stories!

is a front-end developer specialised in React and JavaScript. She initially embarked on a seven-year journalism career in Paris. She then updated her coding skills through a bootcamp and went on to work with companies like Dailymotion and MyTutor. After moving to London for two years, she is now based in Stockholm. Pauline brings over three years of development expertise and a decade of web experience. A French native with a love for cheese, she is deeply passionate about advocating for women in tech and women's rights.

Marta is a Stockholm-based full-stack developer who seamlessly blends her passion for art and technology.In her hometown of Warsaw, Marta received her education as a cellist, marking the first step in her career journey. In her twenties, her path led her to Paris, where she immersed herself in the world of graphic design, fuelling her creativity. Now in Sweden, Marta’s shift to coding reflects her journey—a blend of curiosity and a hunger for new challenges. She is currently working at Digiexam, the leading exam platform. With a sharp eye for detail and a knack for problem-solving, Marta, who transitioned to a career in tech at the age of 30, thrives in the ever-evolving tech landscape, serving as living proof that it’s possible to pivot careers multiple times successfully.

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Building APIs with Java

Workshop by: Dima Gawriyeh

Learn how to create powerful tools for your apps! We'll show you how to make something called an API using Java. It's like teaching your computer to talk to other computers in a smart way. We'll use Spring Boot, a cool tool that makes it easy. We'll cover important stuff like handling information, fixing mistakes, and keeping things safe. We'll also teach you how to test your creations and write down how they work. This way, you'll be all set to make awesome things with your new skills! Whether you're just starting out or already know a bit, our workshop is perfect for you.

is originally from Syria. She came to Sweden in December 2014 after completing her bachelor's degree in computer science. In Sweden, she attended Swedish language courses, a Swedish labor market course, and a Java development course. Through the last one, she secured her first job as a software developer at a company called TietoEvry. She began as a front-end developer and after 7 months, transitioned to back-end development. Currently, I am employed at a company called Capgemini and work as a consultant at Polisen.

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    Organized by Pink Programming

    Pink Programming

    Pink Programming is Sweden’s biggest community for women and non-binary programmers. We work towards a gender equal tech industry by creating inspiring coding events and camps, and hosting Diversity & Inclusion courses for companies. Join us to change the tech game!